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I know the numbers, I have read the studies and I know that many good people have done credible research but…I am weary of the statistics about youthe graduating seniors.

I believe that some of you have actually walked away from your faith, but I also believe that some of the surveys reported students as AWOL who had never really embraced their faith. They just occupied a seat in the youth room. I also believe that we, the leadership of the local church, could have done more to curb the drop rate of students graduating from our youth ministries.

I read your open letter. Your questions are valid and thought provoking. Perhaps your letter will be a wake-up call for us all. I am going to repeat your (Q) questions and then give a brief (A) answer.

  • Q: Once I graduate, will I still have people from the church communicating with me and holding me accountable?
  • A: Yes, the same people who ministered to you as a teen still care and want to communicate. Accountability will be less intense, but they will still walk with you.
  • Q: Has anyone checked out the local churches in the area of the school I chose so I can immediately get plugged in? Do any of them have my name and phone number so they can pursue me?
  • A: Yes, we have a listing of churches with college ministries and are willing to help make initial contacts.
  • Q: I have been checking but what do you know about the Christian ministries on my campus? Which ones should I pursue? Avoid?
  • A: Youth Transition Network is a ministry that lists campus ministries and they help students get connected. Their website is
  • Q: Has anyone in the church committed to consistently pray for me while I am away?
  • A: Yes, we have an entire prayer team that is praying specifically for our college students.
  • Q: How would you like for me to communicate with the church about my life, experience and faith walk while I am away?
  • A: Great question. We want to make it easy for you to keep us informed so let us know; do you prefer using text, facebook, twitter, email or something else?
  • Q: Before I leave for college is there a course or general information someone would like to share with me to help prepare, warn or reinforce me for what is ahead?
  • A: Yes, we will be meeting four times to discuss some keys to transitioning from high school to college. We have some great material to share with you like Interlinc’s ConGRADulations! Class of 2011 CD-DVD-Gift Book.

The bottom-line is we do not want you to be one of those statistics. We have not done the best job in the past at helping our senior transition, but we are committed to changing this for the future. Thanks for the role you have played in helping others by asking penetrating questions.

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