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I tried to remember what I wanted when I was a six year old and all I could remember was a bike and a fishing pole. Most of the things I did at that stage of life were outside activities but then again the “woods” were just over the hill. Times have changed…the “woods” have been cut down.

I recently saw this survey in the February issue of Laptop Magazine and it really caught my attention. It told about what kids today ages 6 -12 wanted most…thus this blog “What iKids…iWant.”

Surveys like this one done by KPCB make me stop, think and ask myself questions. Maybe they do the same for you. Perhaps you can relate to some of the following thoughts. If you have not taken the time to answer or at least explore these questions, then why not do so now?

  • How early is too early for technology for children?
  • How much technology is too much for children?
  • Do I have a strategy for helping my children be techno savvy but not techno dependent?
  • Am I teaching good technology habits by my example?
  • Is it okay or necessary for my child not to have the latest techno toy?
  • Who or what is driving the technology intake in our home or church?
  • Am I being a prude about technology?  Do I need to be more progressive?

Technology is not evil nor is it the enemy. It can be an incredible tool when we live our lives by biblical principles. What a great opportunity for us to create a biblical strategy for our children to live by – based on principles that will last long after they are out of our homes or youth ministries.  

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