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“Why do you do this?” I had just finished teaching a Leadership Seminar in Wagga Wagga, (meaning town of many crows) Australia to a group of youth leaders and opened the floor for questions. “What do you mean?” I responded. “This!” His hand gestured widely: “Why do you do this? Why are you here teaching us…doing this?”

I paused for a moment because I wanted to make sure I understood his question. Then I said, “Do you mean why did I decide to commit my life to student ministry and why am I passionate about teaching student leaders?” His eyes told me that I was on the right track. Other leaders in the room now leaned forward ready to engage my answer. “I do this because…”

… Within a few months of becoming a believer just before turning thirteen something incredible happened to me. I was embraced by a local church that demonstrated unconditional love. The youth leaders rallied around me and poured their lives into my life. Many of them gave sacrificially to aid in my spiritual development and personal growth.

I was not the sharpest student in the youth group or the most likely to succeed, but they still cared about me. I could tell you stories about individuals and families in the church who gave me a ride to youth group, took me to youth camp and showed me how to lead a person to Christ.  Somewhere in the process of them doing life with me and showing me the love of Jesus… I made my decision.

I decided that I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing for others what they had done for me. I wanted to take their investment in my life and reinvest it into the lives of others. I wanted to give back. I wanted to practice 2 Timothy 2:2…to reproduce reproducers for Christ.

The room was quiet for a moment as I realized I had just gotten a bit passionate with my answer. No one moved; they just took it in and so did I.

By the way I have a question for you… “Why are you doing what you do?”

About The Author
