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If you are like me you try to read as many articles, blogs and books as possible but just cannot catch all of them. “In Case You Missed It” is my way of pointing out a few “reads” that I think are too good to miss.


Relationship Marketing and Millennials – Steve Olenski

Ah Millennials, the much desired demographic of many marketers and advertisers the world over, for they are the future, as well as being the here and now. They are the digitized demographic, as some refer to them. At least I just did, anyway. While traditional marketing and advertising techniques have a place at the millennial table, it is the more digital-enhanced methods – i.e. mobile, that seems to play a larger role in capturing the attention of this group.

However one thing that marketers and advertisers need to be reminded of when it comes to Millennials is that they are people, too. I know, I know, shocking right?

Ok, sarcasm aside, the fact is that marketers and advertisers, while trying to outdo one another via the latest digital, multi-media platform, must never lose sight of the fact that Millennials want everyone else wants today: a relationship. With brands that is.

Surely they want other kinds of relationships but that’s for folks like Dr. Phil and those much more qualified than I.

Read entire article here.


Twitter Releases Vine For Android Smartphones As It Tops 13M Users – Darrell Etherington

Twitter has released Vine for Android, bringing the 6-second video sharing service to Google’s mobile OS for the first time. The Vine app is available for Android smartphones right now, and is a free download for anyone running Android 4.0 or higher.

The Vine app for Android arrives just about five months after it arrived on iPhone, when Twitter launched the app back in late January after acquiring the startup behind Vine. In that time, it has managed to amass an impressive 13 million users on iOS alone.

Read entire article here.

Employers: Ready or Not, Here Comes Generation iY – Tim Elmore

It’s June and millions of high school and college students will soon be graduating, nationwide. Today’s grads are part of the Millennial Generation. They represent the second half of this generation, and I call them Generation iY, because they grew up influenced by the “i” world, iPods, iTunes, iPhones, iChat, iPads…you get the point.

These grads from Generation iY (the kids born since 1990) are now job hunting. Business media is inspecting them like scouts hunt gifted athletes. About 10,000 of these kids turn 21 every day. Their generation is 80 million strong and growing. Their presence in the workplace is already causing a splash because they are…well, different. While the media describes them as “entitled” or as MTV’s “no collar workforce,” I think if we understand them, we can make the most of their gifts. Based on stats from Pew and, let me decode them a bit below.

Read entire article here.

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