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What is the secret to living a powerful life? Fitness gurus would answer by telling us exercising and healthy eating, while motivational speakers assure us it is all about positive thinking. I support healthy eating and exercise (as long as it does not completely rule out French fries) but even adding a positive outlook on life may not produce the desired results.

The secret to living a powerful life can be discovered by investing at least 15 minutes every day in a relationship. This is about developing intimacy, fellowship, and solitude with Jesus.

Having a Quiet Time (time of personal devotions) every day is a real struggle for many believers. There are so many things vying for our time and attention. Most of us have good intentions but fail in setting aside the demands of life that steal our focus from God and His Word.

I do not have any secret to having a successful Quiet Time but I can share some concepts to aid in the spiritual journey.

  • Determine the best time of your day and then give that time to God.
  • Begin by setting aside a brief time and then expand it as you grow in this relationship. It is better to spend 5, 10, or 15 minutes a day than to forego the time because you want to have an hour.
  • Procure a devotional that will help guide your journey. This devotional should allow for you to journal your observations. Word of Life has some excellent Quiet Time Journals for all ages beginning with age 4 through adults.
  • Find an accountability partner who will lovingly encourage you with your commitment.

Allow me to suggest a possible template for your special time with the Lord. This is not three easy steps to a successful Quiet Time but perhaps dividing the time like this will be of benefit.

  • Worship – Spend the first 5 minutes in worship of the Lord. Clear the clutter from your mind and focus on Him. Perhaps review some of His characteristics or blessings.
  • Wrestle – I am referring to wrestling with the Word. Invest 5 minutes asking questions, following the cross references or reading a commentary on the passage. The idea is to do more than simply read the passage.
  • Walk – Take 5 minutes to make personal application – to put it into practice. One of the challenges we all face is living out what we believe.

Make Quiet Time/Devotions a priority in your life. Before you protest that this sounds like legalism or checklist Christianity, remember I am talking about a relationship not a ritual.

Let’s Talk: I enjoy getting feedback concerning my posts through all of my social media sites. Feel free to share your thoughts or personal applications about this blog post here or at any of my social media venues.

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  1. I heard some leaders at a recent leadership conference give testimony about how a daily Quiet Time habit has transformed their lives. I can add my own experiences as evidence that spiritual growth starts with the right diet of spiritual food. The Word of Life Quiet Time journal is a fantastic tool to move one toward a healthy diet that includes God’s Word in bit-sized doses daily.

    • Without a doubt, my time of worship and wrestling with the Word each morning is the energy source of my life personally. David, thank you for your faithful example and for encouraging other leaders in this area.

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