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Tag Archives Transition

Transition is a natural part of the life cycle. Change from one life stage, position, sphere of influence or friendship to another begins at birth. Life transitions may bring joy or pain but all contribute to the formation of the person we become. Some we control while others just naturally come into our lives uninvited and unannounced. We must be…

Transition is a natural part of the life cycle. We begin the process of changing, growing and transitioning from one life stage, position, sphere of influence, circle of friendships and personal goals to another from the time of our birth. Some life transitions have brought joy and others pain but they all have contributed to the formation of the person…

I know the numbers, I have read the studies and I know that many good people have done credible research but…I am weary of the statistics about you…the graduating seniors. I believe that some of you have actually walked away from your faith, but I also believe that some of the surveys reported students as AWOL who had never really…

 An open letter from a graduating high school senior... I remember the first day I walked into the youth room as a middle schooler, I was trying so hard to be brave but I was scared out of my mind. I felt a little like the twelve or should I say ten spies in Numbers 13 when they reported on…

Transitions are important. Often we lose students when their transition from one level to another is uncomfortable or awkward. Even lifetime churchgoers can feel like first-time visitors when it’s time to move up to a new class. Intentional student transitions help to ensure that the transition doesn’t become an exit. Middle School to High School In his chapter in The…
