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After sharing an incredible conference experience with leaders from around the world, it is difficult to simply walk away. Matter of fact, it would almost be a sin to leave without taking time to reflect.

I have wasted many hours sitting in conferences filling up notebooks with information. Most of those notes were doomed to never again see the light of day, much less touch the asphalt of practical application.

So here are a few thoughts I gleaned after spending time with some of the most dedicated global leaders on the planet.

  1. No one person can reach a city, country or region for Christ; we need each other.
  2. Dedicated servants are not immune to the heartaches, disappointments or losses of life because of their faithfulness.
  3. Missionaries may have gone to the mission field because of a burden, but their love for Jesus Christ keeps them there.
  4. Transparency, honesty and truthfulness are greater encouragers than hype.
  5. People really do stay in one place consistently reaching people for decades and believe it to be the norm.
  6. Young leaders are eager to listen to veterans because they want to draw on their incredible wisdom.
  7. Veteran leaders, because of their incredible wisdom, listen to young leaders and learn from them.
  8. Some of my greatest heroes are people whose names you will never know.
  9. Often the quietest people have the most to say; you just have to know how to get them to talk.
  10. I needed more time. The conference was too short. I have so much more to learn from these choice servants…but on the other hand…I guess I need to apply these lessons for now.

These are my “take-a ways” from the conference. I am thinking them through and evaluating how to make application. Perhaps some of them resonate with you.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

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