Day of Silence…A Noisy Agenda?
There is a great deal of noise about the Day of Silence this Friday April 19, 2013. If you are not familiar with the initiative then you should check out the hyper-links in this article particularly if you have children in public schools. You need to know if your child’s school plans to participate and if so what you can do to register your disapproval.
With that being said, let me clearly state what I am and am not saying in this blog. First of all, I am not saying that I condone “name-calling, bullying, ostracizing or harassment” of any type toward any student. I am not saying that gay, lesbian or transgender students should be treated unfairly or without dignity.
There are hundreds of scripture texts directing our behavior as believers towards others of all beliefs and lifestyles. Ephesians 4:32 says, And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. Even non-believing moralists generally adhere to the “Golden Rule,” do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
What I am saying is I am concerned and encourage you to take action. Spread the word to other parents, pastors and youth pastors. The Day of Silence is being projected as a “student led” initiative but it appears to be far more. It is being driven by the GLSEN, or Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. This will be the thirteenth year for the call to action and every year it gains strength and momentum.
What I am saying is the political agenda is so loud on this that even with the estimated 500,000 students who potentially could participate; it will be anything but silent. You have everything from public internet bashing of conservative organizations who have tried to counter the event to a “Report It” form for students K – 12 (yes you read that right: they are asking children as young as kindergarten to participate) to send to GLSEN if they meet with resistance.
What I am saying is that as believers we should do something! Abraham Lincoln said, “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” That is why I appreciate Day of Dialogue sponsored by Focus on the Family. This site is not critical or negative of the cause of Day of Silence, it simply suggests a different option. This option invites students to be a part of creating their own agenda for seeking a solution without potentially being pulled into a political one.
What I am saying is we must end the violence in our schools. Kids will always take practical jokes too far and some will just be unkind. But no student should have to live in fear of being in our schools because of their race, creed, religion or sexual choices…not one!