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This is a guest post from Johnny Reimer the Director or Word of Life Brazil. Besides the excitement of the World Cup event, he shares of the incredible ministry opportunities.


Have you been watching the FIFA World Cup soccer games? Did you even know this event was happening in Brazil? According to Forbes Magazine, the estimated audience for this competition worldwide is over 3 billion! Over the past four years, 209 teams worldwide fought for one of only 32 slots available in the World Cup.

Here in Brazil, the country literally stops when the Brazilian team is playing. In the city of São Paulo, game days have been officially declared as holidays! Cars and homes are decorated with flags and the green and yellow Brazil team colors are everywhere. Big TV screens are set up almost everywhere that is public, people leave work early to see the games, and all hopes are on Brazil winning its sixth World Cup!

Word of Life Brazil has a permanent physical presence in eight different states. Six of those states are hosting World Cup games, giving us an excellent opportunity to reach the masses that will be flocking to the soccer venues with the Gospel of Christ. The Pocket Testament League provided us with thousands of Gospels of John with the plan of salvation for us to use during this event. Our staff and students are involved in reaching these masses with the Gospel.

Our desire is to see Brazil on the highest step of the podium; but more than that, our prayer is that many fans who came here to meet a famous soccer player, would meet the Savior!

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