The Millennial Wine

If you work with Millennials then you have probably had multiple discussions and/or debates about alcohol. The purpose of this blog is not to address the topic of drinking but to inform you of a trend.
Millennials are changing the culture as wine consumers and because they now represent one third of the core drinkers, the industry has taken note. It is not that Millennials have given up on beer or liquor, it is just that they are consuming more wine. They also have gone to wine in boxes as opposed to bottles.
There are several reasons for these changes:
- This generation by self-description is more hedonistic and wants the good life. However, the irony is they say this is more about the adventure than the luxury aspect.
- Sharing a glass of wine is more in line with the concept of sharing in social media.
- Foodie culture is more en vogue in their world.
- Wine boxes are more environmentally conscious. In fact the total energy used to produce one box is about 1/3 the energy required to produce a glass bottle, leaving a carbon footprint one-half the size of a wine bottle.
- There are multiple apps that have been created about wine and the culture that surrounds, it which resonates with this generation.
Alcohol is one of the choices each person in each generation has to tackle. As a leader of students you can help them make these decisions based on scripture, morals and family.
Sources: (New WineGlass App) (Wine Not: Lessons in Shifting a Luxury Product for the Millennial Market) (Gen Y Is Gen Wine) (The Future of Millennial Drinking Is The Box)