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Summer camp is a vital tool in the student ministry toolbox. It can either be a time of life change or simply a week of fun!

As an annual event on the calendar; it plays a strategic role in the overall ministry of the church.

Student camps come in all shapes and sizes. Like your church, they each have their own personality. Each camp follows a philosophy whether by design or by accident. Your choice can mean you either go home as a hero to your students or strapped to the top of the bus with the luggage.

Making a wise choice about camp is vital for the health of your student ministry. Here are ten guidelines to help you choose.

The camp you want should . . .

  1. Compliment your student ministry.—Do they have the same goals and methodology that support your ministry strategy?
  2. Practice Biblical principles and philosophy. —Are they intentional, knowing why they do what they do?
  3. Provide dynamic activities.—Are they consistently upgrading and enhancing their activities to stay current with students?
  4. Ignite spiritual passion! —Does the camp staff foster this mindset and encourage your students?
  5. Encourage local church involvement.—Do they promote the local church and see themselves as an extension of your ministry?
  6. Recognize your “year-round” role in your students’ lives.—Are they aware they may be picking the fruit you cultivated for fifty-one weeks?
  7. Promote Biblical values.—Will your values be challenged or reinforced?
  8. Execute program with excellence.—Is the program exciting enough to make your students want to come back and bring a friend?
  9. Teach the Word of God accurately and without apology.—Do they challenge your students’ spiritually and intellectually?
  10. Show genuine concern for you as a youth leader/pastor.—Do they acknowledge your value and see themselves as a part of your team?

There are many good camps available for you to consider, but I want to encourage you to check out this website

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