How One Decision Can Change Your Life!

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
(Excerpt from “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost)
Our path naturally leads us to a crossroad demanding a life changing decision. Over time as we arrive at these intersections of life, we understand the decisions are less about preference and more about God’s plan.Robert Frost’s poem refers to “…the one (road) less traveled.” He does not say no one traveled the road, which indicates there were some whose hearts beat faster, vision was clearer and commitment stronger who chose this way. About them, he simply says, “And that has made all the difference.”
Like you, I have made many crossroad decisions in my life. Admittedly, my life story includes some right and wrong road choices. Besides my salvation, the most significant spiritual decision I made was May 11, 1975, when I decided to live “Intentionally.”
So today I want to celebrate by sharing seven lessons I have learned about Intentional Living:
- Intentional Living is my personal responsibility.
- Intentional Living requires discipline.
- Intentional Living is a journey, not a goal.
- Intentional Living means living by my values.
- Intentional Living affects my spiritual walk daily not sporadically.
- Intentional Living moves me from my desires to discipline.
- Intentional Living is foundational for mentoring and discipleship.
Don’t get me wrong. I have not mastered Intentional Living: I still struggle!
That is why I celebrate May 11, 1975, every year — not to build a memorial but an altar. I come to this time once again to remind myself One Decision Can Change Your Life!
Thank you for living intentionally because it has affected each of us.
You are very kind. I have had a lot of cheerleaders along the way!
Thank you Mike for being consistent in your walk with Christ. Never had heard that story before. You being intentional all these years explain a lot of who you are. Thank you for your example.
Mark, great to hear from you…thanks for following my story and for your encouragement. Mike