Four Things Every Graduating Student Needs To Know

The graduation buzz is everywhere! Graduation invitations are arriving like political mailers during the presidential election. Depending on your region of the country, you may be winding down from or gearing up for graduations. The hotel I’m staying at this weekend in New Hampshire is overrun with graduates and parents preparing for graduation ceremonies.
Last Wednesday I spoke at the Annual Prayer Breakfast for Graduates, which my wife has helped facilitate for fifteen years. The local public high school students who meet to pray before school each week sponsored the breakfast. Many of the graduating seniors attended. It was exciting to see students invite friends who did not have a personal relationship with Jesus.
My message to the students was simple yet straightforward. Psalm 23 was my passage of choice.
They need to know that…
- They can have a personal relationship with the God of the universe – He is a personal God who loves and cares for them.
“The LORD is MY Shepherd; there is nothing I lack.”
- There is wise guidance available in the tough choices ahead – What college? Career? Relationships? Financial concerns? Job? Life mate? Moral choices?
“He leads me beside quiet waters…He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake.”
- Someone truly cares for them and is there in the rough times – the dark times – the fearful times ahead.
“Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff comfort me.”
- Life does not end here on earth – Eternity is ahead and far exceeds this short existence on planet Earth. Also, a Home in Heaven can be secured through faith in the Good Shepherd.
“Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD as long as I live!”
What message do YOU have for the graduating seniors in your youth group and local school? How are you getting that message to them?