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The movie “Gladiator” opens with the Roman general Maximus leading his troops into battle against a horde of vicious barbarians. Instead of sitting on a distant hill like other generals, simply observing, Maximus leads the charge himself, yelling at the top of his lungs, “Stay with me! Staaaay with meeee!”

It is reported he never lost a battle. Many think it is mainly because his men had incorporated the same loyalty and bravery their leader had modeled for years. They respected Maximus because he never asked them to do anything he wasn’t willing to do himself.

 Being on the frontlines of the battlefield has never been for the faint of heart. Trench warfare is a high risk/reward scenario that does not hold a great degree of appeal for everyone.

So, to choose the trenches takes vision, dedication and courage!

I know plenty of leaders who embody this type of commitment. They understand the true nature of spiritual warfare when it comes to developing young leaders. They know somebody has to volunteer for “frontline duty” – to step up and make a difference.

These men and women are gifted and their talents could be used in a variety of ministry venues but they have chosen the frontline trenches of developing young leaders. Yes, they are gifted; but most of all they are committed.

Leadership development is demanding and time-consuming: but that does not dissuade frontline leaders. They love investing in young leaders and are willing to spend and be spent in order to make disciples.

Frontline leaders are not afraid of the trenches even if it requires:

  • Making a major commitment of time.
  • Operating with long-range goals, keeping the big picture in mind.
  • Investing in someone others still doubt as having potential.
  • Placing their emotions out where they can be damaged.
  • Being rejected by the very people they are trying to reach.
  • Serving without recognition.
  • Rebuilding and redirecting young leaders repeatedly.

Like I said, there are safer places to serve than in the trenches. However, the people I respect are the ones who Choose Frontline Trench Leadership!

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  1. 62abfdb4d82818d8bb6c21dc5f50dfe8?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    Great article Mike. Thanks for posting it.

  2. c0d73f62a32faefd9a79ff571e3964cf?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    Many times, it is the trench leadership that separates the truly committed leaders from the wanna-be’s. Great post.

    • 3b443f163f14632f9ec8296af8eb0eaa?s=60&d=mm&r=g

      You are right on target, unfortunately, there are far too many people “placed’ in leadership positions who never experienced the trenches. Without the trench experience, the leader misses out on an element of wisdom, empathy, and balance.

  3. ccc59f016238d0b4d9eb6bc3bcbf9162?s=60&d=mm&r=g

    Mike, this summarizes in a few short words how I want to do the ministry I have right now. Thanks for reinforcing clarity in my heart of what I am here to do with and for others, as young as I am myself.

    • 3b443f163f14632f9ec8296af8eb0eaa?s=60&d=mm&r=g

      Randy, It is the commitment of young leaders like yourself to Frontline Leadership that excites me and keeps me going. Thanks for your faithfulness. Mike

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