Too Good To Keep It To Myself… (Issue 2)

My passion is to always be a student – to never stop learning or growing. One of my mentors once told me, Mike,
It has been sound advice motivating me to this day.One of the ways I do this is to read numerous articles each week on a variety of topics. I read broadly and enjoy topics such as theology, management, organization, technology, and antique cars. However, I usually find myself focusing in four strategic areas: Leadership, Discipleship, Personal Growth and Student Ministry.
As I read, I discover some articles which are just, Too Good to Keep to Myself…
Those are the ones I am sharing here in this post, read and enjoy!
6 Important Reminders for Leaders from Proverbs
Special Needs Parenting Is Too Big To Do Alone
Many Teens Don’t Know Juul Contains Addictive Nicotine