I Want to Believe the Gospel…but What Did You Say?

I love to listen to music and when I listen…I want clarity. I want to hear every chord, reverb and bass note as though it was exploding out of my iPhone or iPad with unrestrained freedom. So when the salesman at the BOSE store handed me the QuietControl Wireless 30 headphones, he knew he had me. (Yes, I know they have the Wireless 35’s.)
In the same way, if there were ever an area in ministry we should be committed to clarity, it should be when presenting the Gospel. This is no time for static.
Particularly when words could bring clarity.I am not the final authority on this topic but I have spent over forty years sharing this wonderful message. There are few things I would rather do than share the Gospel and see “…people turn from darkness to light and the power of Satan unto God” – Acts 26:18. I have learned some valuable lessons about clarity along the way.
- The Gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ – 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. It is imperative we share the whole message without apology.
- Be a student of Christ in the scriptures so you can tell this story from any part of the Bible as naturally as a child talking about his Dad.
- Speak to individuals not crowds. Regardless of the size of the audience (1 or 1000), speak as though you were sharing the Gospel with one person, making it personal.
- Know your audience, because each generation has their own particular nuances, biases and philosophies. If you do not know where your audience lives, it is hard to deliver the message to their door.
- Do not encumber the Gospel message with unnecessary information: keep it simple. My Pastor, J. D. Greear, in his book entitled Gospel, says, “The Gospel is not just the diving board off of which we jump into the pool of Christianity; it is the pool itself.”
- Never shy away from using Biblical words but take care to illustrate them for the audience. Explaining resurrection, repentance or sin is necessary in today’s society and well-placed illustrations should bring greater clarity to the doctrine or term.
- Church terminology is confusing even for church people. Use terms the average person can understand and respond to rather than your favorite Christian cliché?
When it comes to the Gospel, we cannot afford ourselves the luxury of disguising clarity. Communicating the Gospel to those who are without Christ is the reason we are here. It is imperative we do so with clarity! Why would we ever complicate this incredible story?
What are some of the challenges you have faced in sharing the story with clarity?
Mike, one thing I always remember about your preaching is that, as you would say, you “put the cookies on the lowest shelf”. You always made the Word of God understandable. Thank you for your ministry in my life.
James, great to hear from you and I appreciate your kind comments. Communicating clearly and simply should be our goal. Blessings on you my friend.