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The world of Student Ministry can be complex. Successful implementation of change and biblical maturity in each student’s life, requires the influence of multiple people. One of the relationships necessary in the process of an effective Student Ministry is parental involvement.

Unfortunately, some parents have abdicated their value in this process as evidenced by statements like these:

“The youth leaders in my church relate so much better to my teen than I do, so I am letting them lead.”

 “I felt comfortable with children but I don’t understand teens. I’ll leave them to the experts.”

 “My teens don’t want me involved in the student ministry.”

If you are one of those parents that has ever said or even thought something like this, let me give you Five Reasons Parents Should Be Involved in Student Ministry.

  1. Teens need parental involvement whether they realize it or not.
  1. Parents need to be involved in teens’ lives whether they want to or not.

I get it. This is not the easiest task in the world. Teens are a walking nuclear hormone factory contained only by a thin layer of skin. But your investment in their lives now will pay dividends in the future. This is not a job: it is your responsibility as a parent.

  1. Teens appreciate parents who are savvy in their involvement.

A parent’s involvement is not always the issue, it may be something as simple as being understanding of the teen’s culture. When you take the time to listen to them without pre-judgments – to learn about them, their friends, music, likes, dislikes, music, etc. – you will find it often opens doors to communication.

  1. Parents know more about their teens by default than others may learn on purpose.

You may think you are incompetent but as a parent you have an advantage. You know strategic information about your teen because you’ve watched them grow up. Although you think they have “totally changed,” closer observation will reveal the kid you know is still there, deep inside.

  1. Parents and Teens need to learn how to interact together Biblically as God intended.

I cannot find one scripture passage that says families are to disengage because children become teens. Parents, we have a responsibility to encourage, exhort and teach children at every age. Granted the methods change with each passing birthday. But never stop being parents!

What do you think?

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