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The concept of “Waterboarding,” does not naturally engender happy thoughts and is probably repulsive.

 Many of you can unequivocally identify with the concept.

“Waterboarding is a form of torture in which water is poured over a cloth covering the face and breathing passages of an immobilized captive, causing the individual to experience the sensation of drowning.” (Wikipedia)

There are always those outside influences which create chaos in our lives and ministries. An unreasonable supervisor who is demanding or insensitive can be overwhelming. That crisis of life which comes out of nowhere, eroding our time and energy, can leave us feeling desperate.

However, many times we are our own worst enemies. Even when we work for unfair bosses, we have some controls which we fail to implement. In life circumstances we always have the choice about the victim mentality. As believers facing a battle, the goal is ultimately to get past the “why” to the “for what purpose?”

The reality is we can make key adjustments in our own personal lives which creates a personal peace no one can control. I have discovered multiple concepts to confront; but there are five strategic areas which bring the greatest personal change.

When I feel like I am being waterboarded by life and ministry it is usually because I have failed in one or all five of the following areas.

  1. Work before Worship – When I convince myself I am too busy, have too much to do and too many people to see, that I do not have time for God, I feel “waterboarded.” My worship has to precede my work. Ezra 3:6
  2. Improper priorities – When I do not live by the values which I’ve established according to God’s Word, I feel “waterboarded.”
  3. Lack of planning – When I do not allow time in my schedule for planning as opposed to simply doing, I feel “waterboarded.”
  4. Listen to the wrong voices – When I talk to the people who tell me what I want to hear more than those who tell me the truth, I feel “waterboarded.”
  5. Believe you are indispensable – When I begin to believe I am the only person who can do this (whatever “this” is), and do not realize the value of the team, I feel “waterboarded.”

Living our lives feeling overwhelmed, stressed or out of control is not part of God’s plan. We need to take a breath. We need to feed our soul. We need to take time to plan. We cannot control all the outside influences, but that is not our job.

About The Author


  1. That list is so very true and a little convicting. Great post and very convicting.

  2. Can totally identify with #3.

    • Scott, this is a constant battle. I wish I could plan once and it suffice for extended periods of time but this is one of those things which requires constant small adjustments. Thanks for what you are doing.

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