Five Words That Can Change Everything

Words are powerful and process the ability to evoke a myriad of emotions while bringing comfort, pain, motivation, or discouragement. Words are the catalysts for actions and thoughts. For example, the following words spoken singularly can arouse emotion and create action:
- Fire
- Stop
- Go
- Hate
- Love
Understanding the power of words should cause us to think carefully before speaking. Proverbs 21:23 admonishes us to “keep” our mouth and tongue. Clearly, taking heed to these words will leave us with less regrets.
In his little epistle, James refers to the tongue as a “fire” (James 3:6). Proverbs 18:21 says it contains the “power of life and death.” I have sparked my share of “relationship fires”; but perhaps my greatest life regrets center around the death of dreams, beliefs, joys, initiatives, or friendships I killed with my words.
Our words need to be encouraging and edifying. What a great opportunity we have to propel another person forward by just the right admonition. Will Rogers, American humorist and newspaper columnist, said, “I can live for a week on a good compliment.”
However, beyond just complimenting people or generally being kind, I have discovered “Five Words That Can Change Everything.” These words are powerfully encouraging! More than words, they actually require some thought and action on our part. So what are these “Five Words That Can Change Everything?”
Not a half-hearted cliché we say to someone in passing but a serious commitment like the Apostle Paul made to people. We constantly read in his epistles of his consistent prayers for them (Colossians 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:2, Philemon 4). We need to make a commitment to prayer which causes us to follow through and follow up.
This has meant so much to me and my family over the years. I know of people who take us before the throne every day and I am humbled. I also am troubled when one of those sweet people moves on to Heaven and always wonder who will take their place.
Here are The Five Ways to Begin Now to leverage your prayer life:
- Create a prayer list. – Keep a journal or devotional. Use index cards or an app. Just do whatever is going to help with consistency.
- Divide the list into days. – Determine specific days for individuals, your church, missionaries, or even countries.
- Keep the list updated. – Track the prayer requests and record dates of how they are answered.
- Manage the list. – Do not overpopulate the list lest you become overwhelmed.
- Let people know you pray for them. – This is not for your ego but for their encouragement! I personally believe there are people right in our churches who do not know that anyone is praying for them. A note, email or word can be extremely encouraging.
To keep your prayer time fresh as you pray through your list, consider praying for the people based on:
- Your scripture reading that day.
- The need, pressure or joy you are experiencing that specific day.
- A special psalm you have claimed just for them.
- Personal requests they have shared with you. (Keep them updated!)
Why not use prayer to start changing everything today!