The Power of “Intergenerational” Student Ministry

WANTED: Stereotypical Student Leader: must be 21-25 years of age, have an engaging personality (but be submissive to elder/deacon board), possess the ability to attract lots of students (and keep them from annoying the senior saints), play games (like the ones we played when we were teens), plan activities (but nothing that conflicts with the church calendar), play the guitar or other instruments (not too loudly of course), and keep the parents happy (but please do not talk to them).
I would like to think this is a fictional approach to finding a student leader but some of it might just be a little too close for comfort. Although very few churches would be looking for these exaggerated qualities, I think too often we do have a “stereotype” in our minds when it comes to student ministry leadership.
The best student ministries are the ones which have embraced “intergenerational” ministry. These ministries realize the value of having leadership representatives from multiple stages of life and experience, recruiting leaders of different ages, abilities and personalities. The strength of a team is in its unity not its uniformity.
Student ministries that are staffed only by “twenty-somethings” will be as anemic as those relying solely on “fifty-somethings”. Mono-generational student ministries are one-dimensional and do not leverage the zeal of youth with the wisdom of age. When “intergenerational” leadership is incorporated into the church student ministry, everyone wins and especially the students. Consider a few of the benefits of this ministry philosophy:
- Creates stability in leadership, harnessing zeal and wisdom.
- Provides a picture of the “body of Christ” as students observe people from a variety of generations ministering together.
- Serves as a good check and balance system for filtering theological teaching, ideas and programming.
- Presents students (who many times are from broken or troubled homes) with healthy adult role models.
- Creates the opportunity for leveraging strengths and minimizing weaknesses of multiple generations.
- Encourages healthy multi-generational relationships.
- Helps provide a family focus when multiple generations are represented.
- Affords students the opportunity to interact with people from multiple generations in a safe place.
Placing a Want Ad for student leaders (or any leadership position) is never a good idea; leaders should be recruited individually. There is no stereotype for a student leader. You are looking for individuals who have certain abilities, heart and passion. It is also imperative that each leader fit on the leadership team. The bonus is the creation of an inter-generational team.