Four Reasons Wise Leaders Embrace Accountability

I am taking the last two weeks of July for some time off and creativity. This was one of my previous blogs that many found helpful. I will begin new content on August 5, 2020.
Media is replete with the desperate stories of splintered churches, fractured homes and businesses in crisis due to fallen leadership. CEO’s, ministry directors and leaders in general appear to be forsaking morals or ethics at “Mach speed” today. Every story evokes an ambient fear within me, serving as a reminder that I am not strong, godly or mature enough to be proud or judgmental.
Is there a cure for this epidemic? Is there a deterrent that can counteract the forces influencing normally linear thinking people from making destructive decisions? The answer is yes, but it is not a “magic cure-all” for the problem. Many of the people who have fallen are people of faith who know the right answers as well as the scriptures. I do, however, believe there is a practice that can help create a safety zone within our lives.
I am referring to accountability, a word frequently discussed but loosely defined. Some think accountability is only for the weak or immature but my interaction with wise leaders over the years has proven the converse to be true. In my ministry the men and women who embrace true biblical accountability tend to be some of the most mature leaders in their field.
Let me share four reasons why wise leaders embrace accountability.- They know they have something to hide but they do not want to hide it. They are willing to be truthful with themselves and others about their own sinful nature. Wise leaders are transparent with their accountability partners.
- They know they have something that can control them but they do not want to be controlled by it. All of us struggle with that one besetting sin. Wise leaders admit their sin to accountability partners and are willing to be held accountable.
- They know they have weaknesses but they do not want to make excuses for them. Wise leaders are constantly growing and learning. They identify their weaknesses and formulate plans for strengthening those areas. They are willing to be held accountable for the growth process.
- They know they have strengths but they do not want to become overly confident in them. Let’s face it: all of us are good at something but from time to time we need an honest friend to remind us that this is a gift for which we need to be thankful, not proud. Wise leaders embrace the reminder to “get over themselves.”
Wise leaders do not shrink from accountability: they embrace it. They are not afraid of the truth and they know the value of having someone share it with them. I don’t know about you, but I am always a little skeptical of anyone in leadership who has not placed himself/herself into an accountability relationship. Wise leaders know too much to ignore the biblical model of accountability.