Authentic Leadership… Can I Trust You?

Is trust really that important in leadership? Do you have to be trustworthy to be an effective leader? Is trust in leadership overrated? How do character and competency relate to trust? If trust is important, then is it something which comes naturally or is it something that must be developed?
“Some people are your friends all the time and others are only friends of convenience when they are with you!” I made this comment during a discipleship meeting with a young man whom I believe is going to be a great leader in the future. I continued on to explain that I saw this as a matter of character and trust.
I want this young man to be a man of his word who can be trusted. I personally believe that means being the same person all the time, not living a life of duplicity. I am instructing him in what it means to be a man after God’s heart. The practical application of this is if we are living holy lives then it should be demonstrated through our integrity.
I place a high value on people who say the same thing to my face as they would say in my absence. The world uses phrases like “back-biting,” “back-stabbing,” or “character assassination” to define people who are inconsistent with their words. We in the Christian community disguise ours with spiritual clichés such as “I have a deep concern,” or ”I have a prayer request.” Regardless of how we couch it, it’s wrong and it is sin.
The good news is not only the incredible number of trustworthy men and women already in leadership but the trend I see with the younger generation of leaders. Many in this generation are committed to their “Yea being yea and nay . . . Nay . . .” (Matthew 5:37) which is refreshing.Let me share some random thoughts that came to mind as I was thinking about what it means to be a person of trust. I am not saying these are principles or even character qualities, though some may fit into those categories. They are just my thoughts about trustworthy leaders.
- You can tell them anything without fear of it’s being broadcast at your expense.
- This person can be trusted when standing in front of you or when they are a thousand miles away.
- They will not believe reports about you without checking with you first.
- You can share your heart, fears, failures, and frustrations – and not have to listen to a lecture about how to be “fixed.”
- They may correct you or put you in your place, but they will never disrespect you.
- If they approach you with a concern, you have confidence that it is valid. Why? Because they have your best interest at heart.
Trust is vital to leadership, especially if you want to be an authentic leader. This generation is not interested in following a leader who is marked by duplicity. BTW . . . neither am I!