How Can I Make Right Choices?

One of the following scenarios may provide the key to understanding the struggle we all face with choices.
Scenario #1:
The P.O.W’s had been in captivity for months and were malnourished. Their hunger pains were so severe the roaches and rats freely roaming the prison cells were looked upon as delicacies.
Scenario #2:
Your favorite dessert is anything chocolate! Dinner plans call for a good meal followed by indulging yourself in the triple layer chocolate layer cake. The appetizer is great, the main course filling and the breads are plentiful. When the dessert tray arrives you decline because you are already fully satisfied.
I know these are two extremes so let me make my point. Proverbs 27:7 says, A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet. This verse is relevant, practical and pointed: it clearly reveals a principle for understanding our struggle with choices.
Why do we struggle so much with our choices? Why do we keep making wrong decisions? Why do we find ourselves doing the very things that we hate again and again? Is there a way to have victory in our personal lives?
I do not want to trivialize these questions or try to fix the problem with a Christian clique. However, Proverbs 27:7 provides us with a guiding principle to wise decision making.
If we go very long without physically eating a proper diet then all the “junk food” begins to look appetizing. The same is true of our spiritual lives; hungry souls are… well…hungry and can become desperate.
Why not make a commitment to “keep your soul full” in 2016. This is a perfect time to think through what that would look like in your own life.
I have just released “Getting from Desire to Discipline,” a template for Creating a Personal Growth Plan. This is a Free Downloadable tool that will aid you in the process of planning for a full soul.
“Getting from Desire to Discipline” will help you in making preparation for the right choices. You will find the download button in my website header, top right. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
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