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Posts By mikecalhoun

We live in a world full of words! If you work in student ministry, then you have noticed that words appear to be in a constant state of evolution. Just when you think you understand a word well enough to use it in conversation with students; you discover it is dated or irrelevant. The same thing happens with ministry communication.…

Fifty years’ worth of experience, ten years of vision, five years of research and two years of development have brought us to this day. As of May 1, the new Word of Life Online Quiet Time is a reality. It has been in beta testing for several months and the collective consensus is…Incredible. The Online Quiet Time includes power tools…

Guest post by: Betsi Calhoun OK… So, this is what we do for fun in the Town of Schroon in the months of December and April. - We pull our cars up to the edge of the boat dock and watch the lake. Yes, I said "watch the lake." If you are a true Adirondacker, there's nothing more intriguing than…

“Somebody ought to do something” is perhaps one of the most frequent phrases spoken when a situation needs attention. The problem is often that we are looking for someone else to step up and do it and then they can take the flack for not doing it the way we thought it should have been done while we sat idly…

What is X-24 Europe…answers may vary from, “I don’t have a clue!” to “Isn’t it an X-Box game?” to “A new European alliance.” to “Oh man, I know this.”  X-24 Europe is a global exercise recently carried out using social media to test communication of emergency information. This is an intriguing idea that is getting some global traction. If you…

I know the numbers, I have read the studies and I know that many good people have done credible research but…I am weary of the statistics about you…the graduating seniors. I believe that some of you have actually walked away from your faith, but I also believe that some of the surveys reported students as AWOL who had never really…

 An open letter from a graduating high school senior... I remember the first day I walked into the youth room as a middle schooler, I was trying so hard to be brave but I was scared out of my mind. I felt a little like the twelve or should I say ten spies in Numbers 13 when they reported on…

“I’m so bummed out of my mind right now, it’s not even funny. – I just had a college meltdown.”  These were words my wife saw on her Facebook page just yesterday. Diagnosis: Senioritis. Is Senioritis a disease, a condition or just a temporary frame of mind? I ask because every year around this time, a phenomenon of pandemic proportions…

Does your church nursery have internet? Perhaps you think that is a strange question but not so according to some of the latest surveys and reports. Recently released reports by educational non-profit organizations, Joan Ganz Cooney Center and Sesame Workshop, say that about 80% of children between the ages of 0 and 5 who use the Internet in the United…

Students are not the only ones who struggle with post-modernism, tolerance and the rejection of absolute truth. Adults live in the same world and are often no more prepared for the challenges of pluralism than their children. As fathers, we must embrace the truth as well as live the truth before we can passionately teach the truth to our families.…
