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 An open letter from a graduating high school senior…

I remember the first day I walked into the youth room as a middle schooler, I was trying so hard to be brave but I was scared out of my mind. I felt a little like the twelve or should I say ten spies in Numbers 13 when they reported on the giants in the Promised Land. I had dreamed of being in the youth ministry for so long but now here I was looking up at all the seniors who were looking back at me like “fresh meat.”

I have grown in confidence and faith over these past six years. I have learned how to share my faith with friends and total strangers. Summer missions’ trips became a highlight of my year as I saw God use me and others in our youth group to make a difference. I will never be able to express my gratitude for your investment in my life. You took time to disciple me, to help me embrace my faith as my own. And now I enjoy doing the same for others.

As I approach graduation I admit I feel like I did that first day I walked into the youth room as a middle schooler: I am scared. I have heard you talk about all the students who leave the church after graduation and I do not want to be one of them. So I have some questions I would like to ask for myself and all the other seniors like me who love our church. If some of these questions sound pointed, please understand my heart… I desperately do not want to be a statistic.

  • Once I graduate, will I still have people from the church communicating with me and holding me accountable?
  • Has anyone checked out the local churches in the area of the school I chose so I can immediately get plugged in? Do any of them have my name and phone number so they can pursue me?
  • I have been checking, but what do you know about the Christian ministries on my campus? Which ones should I pursue? Avoid?
  • Has anyone in the church committed to consistently pray for me while I am away?
  • How would you like for me to communicate with the church about my life, experience and faith walk while I am away?
  • Before I leave for college, is there a course or general information someone would like to share with me to help prepare, warn or reinforce me for what is ahead?

I am graduating from our youth group but NOT from our church so help me stay connected.

Note: This open letter will be answered in my next post on Thursday.

Also see: “Is There a Cure for Senioritis?”


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