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Category Archives Student Ministry

I just returned from the last Word of Life Island campfire service of the 2012 summer season. Once again I watched as students responded to the Word of God, surrendering their lives for service to Christ. I do not know what was at the core of each decision or who will follow through but I do believe God can use…

Remember when you had the fairy tale belief that as soon as the kids were old enough to be out of diapers you could finally get a good night’s sleep? Somehow you had convinced yourself that once they were through a particular stage of childhood you were going to be home free. Hello reality! The reality is they are constantly…

Camp is an exciting event often serving as a divine interruption in a student's summer routine. It is just the right experience to challenge them to think honestly about their spiritual life. Word of Life Camp has been used by God to help literally thousands of students find spiritual direction for their lives. There are Word of Life has camps…

It has been called a student “rite of passage” but its history can really only be traced back to the late 1930’s. There have been movies made about it, explicit documentaries detailing it -- and in the spring, it is constantly in the evening news. Spring Break is so big in some key U.S. cities that they count on it…

Today’s post is a guest post from friend and veteran student ministry professional Dale Flynn. Dale has been ministering to youth and youth leaders for over 51 years. He is a gifted writer and has a passion for pastors consistently publishing an electronic newsletter for ministers. The following post is one of his communications with youth leaders in the Mid-Atlantic…

There is only one place in your community that will afford you the opportunity to minister to the majority of the students in your town. That place is the local school or schools depending on the size of your city. It may be closed to you for Bible studies but there are so many other ways for you to show…

The tragic school shooting in Chardon, Ohio probably left you with the same gaping hole in your gut as it did mine. My first knowledge of the shooting came through a prayer request on twitter. I instantly Googled the name of the town and watched the internet newscast, praying that it was not as bad as had been reported. But…

Matt’s eyes were huge as he entered the conference. He had never seen so many youth leaders in one location in his entire life. He had one more burning question: “What are the qualities of the ‘Perfect Leader for Student Ministry?’” He felt confident he could interview enough youth leaders over the next three days to build a profile on…

Involvement in campus ministry provides an opportunity to touch an entire community of teens. Every campus is populated with students who represent every conceivable need. They may not know it but they are waiting on you and your church to reach out to them. If you have a burden for campus ministry but are just looking for some direction and…

This is a guest post written by my wife Betsi who has a passion for student ministry. She consistently invest her life into young girls helping them navigate their spiritual journey. Okay…So I am sixty-one years young and have worked with teen gals most of my life.  But that doesn’t change the fact that I still have a lot to…
