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Guest post by: Betsi Calhoun OK… So, this is what we do for fun in the Town of Schroon in the months of December and April. - We pull our cars up to the edge of the boat dock and watch the lake. Yes, I said "watch the lake." If you are a true Adirondacker, there's nothing more intriguing than…

Chasing Elephants: Wrestling With the Gray Areas of Life by Brent Crowe is a book that I and many others asked him to write. The first time I heard Brent deliver this content was at a Student Leadership University Youth Pastor’s Institute. I was impressed by the way he scripturally dealt with some really difficult issues others often avoid. He…

Images of kids crying in the backseat of your car, rushing through airports carrying entirely too much stuff or maybe some comedy movie on the topic quickly emerge when people think of “family vacation.” Obviously there are some negative aspects that cannot be ignored, but it is also a time to build memories. Last night I spoke at our Word…

The sound of more than 1000 fathers and sons singing worship songs was inspiring to say the least. The only thing that would come close to this was the sound of laughter throughout the day signaling that the men were in a safe place having a great time. Men were jammed into the auditorium, hungry to be challenged from the…

My study of the Attributes of God began more than 20 years ago when I came to the realization that I knew God but I really did not KNOW God. So I studied the Scriptures, read classic books on the Character of God and began to mine the depth of His Nature for myself. Recently I came across a new…

Ecclesiastes is more relevant than the newspaper printed this morning and is a perfect book for students. Solomon expressed many of the same questions and philosophies we see in Millennials today. For example, nine out of ten teens say that they ponder their future at least once a week. Solomon questions life, death and the future in general. His opening…

Why do students today choose not to become a Christian? Too often the reason is related to a negative experience with someone wearing the Christian label. Sometimes it is a life event or circumstance that does not fit neatly into the world of “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” Perhaps others reject the truth about Christ because they just do not…

What is truth and how has it been affected by postmodernism? In his book Truth & the New Kind of Christian, R. Scott Smith addresses this as well as the emerging effects of postmodernism in the church. He evaluates and confronts postmodernism both in secular society and within Christianity. I appreciated his diligence in defining terms that we often use…

Book Review: Building Your Leadership Resume - Dr. Johnny Hunt I really enjoy reading and I make sure that leadership books are a part of my yearly reading repertoire. Recently I completed Dr. Johnny Hunt's book on Building Your Leadership Resume and I enthusiastically recommend that you purchase a copy and that you make notes as you read it. Dr.…

When Facebook began in 2004 it was designed for college students. It gave them a way to keep in touch and share information with other friends in college. By 2005 it opened up to high school students and in 2006 to the general populous. Now the fastest growing segments of Facebook's 300 million active users are over 25 and more…
