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The suspense kept you on the edge of your seat as you watched the lone actress winding her way down the dark alley. It was obvious from the intensifying music that tragedy was eminent. With each step, the tension mounted for the character…and for you, knowing at any moment the enemy would step from the shadows to attack. Enemies, bad…

A leadership reproducing ministry is attractional and attractional ministry is believable. A ministry like this naturally reproduces quality leaders without lowering the bar or qualifications of leadership. Demonstrating the positive side of ministry is vital in an attractional ministry. Transparency is a safeguard from projecting an image potential young leaders may see as unobtainable or unbelievable. Young leaders can be…

Effective mentors of “Next-Gen” leadership are committed to teaching Process not just creating the end Product. However, the development of a young, godly leader requires a life-on-life encounter. We consistently see Jesus implementing this approach as He would answer a question with a question, forcing people to think (Matthew 13:10 –ff, Luke 7:36-50; 24:13-27). Yes, there were times when He gave clear answers,…

“Hey Mom! Turn right! No: I mean turn left.—Oh, I guess you have to turn around and go back.”  Those were the instructions my children were calling out to their mother from the Observation Deck of the Human Maze. Our family was enjoying (well the children were enjoying it) a family night of fun together. My wife had been convinced…

Cultivating Generations of Influence is a brief video of me sharing from my life and ministry experience. Each time I will address one concept, which I have been thinking about and wrestling with, for you to consider. Talking Points: • Growing leaders recognize the essential nature of integration and leverage other people’s strengths. • Every believer needs a mentor, peer,…

Everyone wants to belong - to be recognized - for someone to know his or her name - to be understood. From 1982-1993 there was a popular sitcom called Cheers and the words to the theme song were not only catchy but insightful. Wouldn't you like to get away? Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name, and…

The challenge is preventing summer camp from being a one-week “adrenaline rush” experience. How do we take one of the best tools in our ministry toolbox to the next level? We need a plan for building on the decisions and the experiences to extend the benefits? Summer camp plays a vital role in the overall strategy of any student ministry.…

A key aspect of leadership is developing young leaders, training them to become what you already are. To be the mentor of future leaders is not only an exciting journey but a commission for believers. 2 Timothy 2:2 is our model and Jesus our example. My friend John Armstrong has captured the essences of this concept in the guest blog…

The graduation buzz is everywhere! Graduation invitations are arriving like political mailers during the presidential election. Depending on your region of the country, you may be winding down from or gearing up for graduations. The hotel I’m staying at this weekend in New Hampshire is overrun with graduates and parents preparing for graduation ceremonies. Last Wednesday I spoke at the…

Do you have any “life-changing” days in your personal memory bank? Can you remember decisions that altered the course of your life? Obviously, as believers, the day we said “Yes” to Jesus is one of those days. In my spiritual journey, I have others that have marked my life and altered my direction. May 11, 1975, may be just a…
