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Someone has said that a rut is just a grave with the ends knocked out. My take-away from this statement is that whether you are in a grave or in a rut, your horizons are limited. It is so easy to become comfortable with the routine and familiar. One of my greatest challenges is to keep growing and learning. The…

Have you ever heard any of the following "Christian Maxims?" "If you are going to talk the talk then you need to walk the walk." "Do as I do is more powerful than simply do as I say." "If you want to have followers then you need to be a leader." Or my favorite: "Your life is so loud; I…

Youth Ministry 101: Balancing Family and Ministry One of the things I enjoy the most about my ministry is teaching college students. I teach a course each fall at Word of Life Bible Institute entitled, "Developing a Biblical Philosophy of Youth Ministry." I think it is imperative that we help students to think through their "principle centered" philosophy before they…

Back When the World Was BIG! When I was young I would visit my Grandmother and stay with her for days on end. I loved being there because she made me pound cake with chocolate syrup for breakfast. (Yeah, I have always been into health food.) She played the role of grandparent very well in that I got away with…

Book Review: Building Your Leadership Resume - Dr. Johnny Hunt I really enjoy reading and I make sure that leadership books are a part of my yearly reading repertoire. Recently I completed Dr. Johnny Hunt's book on Building Your Leadership Resume and I enthusiastically recommend that you purchase a copy and that you make notes as you read it. Dr.…

When Facebook began in 2004 it was designed for college students. It gave them a way to keep in touch and share information with other friends in college. By 2005 it opened up to high school students and in 2006 to the general populous. Now the fastest growing segments of Facebook's 300 million active users are over 25 and more…

Autonomous (capable of independent function) Youth Ministry - Part 3 In Part 1, I discussed the concept of autonomous ministry and suggested the goal of giving away our ministry. In Part 2, I looked at building autonomous students within your ministry - students who can own, live and export their faith. The idea is that we need to have intentional…

Autonomous (capable of independent function) Youth Ministry -Part 2 Our obvious goal is to reach students with the gospel but are we just as passionate about developing them to the point of embracing an autonomous faith that is contagious? Developing autonomous students within youth ministries is vital to the longevity and stability of our influence in their lives. In Part…

Autonomous (capable of independent function) Youth Ministry -Part 1 What would youth ministries look like if our goal was to give our ministry away? I'm talking about literally trying to work ourselves out of a job. At first blush this sounds like a kamikaze mission. I can hear the protest now, "If I work myself out of a ministry then…

I have the best job in the world, other than being an Area Missionary of course. I get to work with great people who share the same passion for Christ and reaching youth. We can fellowship around the Word and be excited about sharing Quiet Time with each other. We are moved by the same things and love to have…
