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In the 135 years since its introduction, kudzu’s tentacles have spread over almost seven and one half million acres of the southern United States and continues to ‘consume’ the south at an estimated rate of 120,000 acres per year, destroying power lines, buildings, and native vegetation in its path.[1] The kudzu plant was introduced to the United States from Japan…

There is a distinct advantage to possessing the higher ground in warfare. We see illustrations of this in history from the Romans to the Battle of Little Round Top. Most outnumbered armies who won glorious victories won them as a result of their strategic command of the higher ground. In leadership, maintaining a higher ground mindset can mean success rather…

Devotional and sermon prep can be demanding. It does not matter if you are a seasoned veteran or tackling your first ministry opportunity. Perhaps you are confident in your homiletics training, or maybe you feel like you were “thrown into the deep end of the pool without your flotation device.” Regardless of how you arrived where you are today, we…

Leaders influence everyone from the receptionist who greets them at the front desk to the person who is second in command. Attitude, perspective and customer service are reflected from the top down in churches, businesses, organizational headquarters or physician’s offices. So I am never surprised when I am treated as an interruption by the secretary - to feel the same…

Abraham Lincoln captured my fascination when I read my very first book about him in grammar school. I was intrigued by the pictures of the tall, lanky young Lincoln. Since that time I have read numerous books on Lincoln, perhaps more than any other individual. Even now I have two books that I plan to read this year. There have…

It just naturally happens; you get carried away. The next thing you know, you are the hero of your own story - the knight in shining armor. You saved the day, the company, the youth group, the church, the marriage, even helped transform a life. Stop! Hold everything! Are you and I really the ones who bring change or are…

Casual Leadership extracts its greedy tariffs on corporations and classrooms. Only making withdrawals, Casual Leadership always leaves a deficit in lives. It manifests itself in the marketplace, halls of higher learning, and sports arenas. There seems to be a new trend - or should I say plague - in college football these days which illustrates this undesirable leadership trait. Football…

A place to step aside from the daily routine to discover new ministry tools, methods and be refreshed. Because you are always giving, you share a need for healing and encouragement. Conferences can be a great resource for your ministry and personal life. Consider these Six Reasons Why You Should Go to a Conference: We all need encouragement because ministry…

From the time I was old enough to walk, I followed my Dad around his garage that was built by the team from garage door repair langwood. I handed him tools, held parts in place, and just kept him company. I was referred to as “Little Bill” until the day someone noticed I was at least six inches taller. I…

When I was a little boy there was something magical about a cape. It did not have to be store-bought: an old discarded towel or pillow case bequeathed to me by my Mom would do. Regardless of its origin, it became magical the moment it was draped over my shoulders. I instantly believed I could fly. But somewhere along the…
