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Do you ever feel like you have nothing to say? You stare into your blank computer screen knowing the deadline for a sermon, article, blog or book looms closer. You want to communicate but just cannot bring yourself to strike the first letter on the keyboard. Having the desire to make a difference with our communication is not the problem…

If you are like me you try to read as many articles, blogs and books as possible but just cannot catch all of them.  “In Case You Missed It” is my way of pointing out a few “reads” that I think are too good to miss.   "I'm Awesome" and 8 Other Preaching Traps to Avoid - Ben Reed While…

Do you ever feel like you have nothing to say? Have you ever peered into your blank computer screen knowing you had to write that devotional, sermon, article, book or blog and just could not bring yourself to strike the first letter on the keyboard? I think all of us want to communicate clearly. We want to make a difference…
