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Tag Archives Principle Centered

Once upon a time there was ONE leader who simply wanted to make a difference in the world. He had no illusion that he could do it alone and wanted to build a team. Guided by biblical principles he practiced biblical discipleship as he ministered to men. He frequently experienced failure and frustration discovering not everyone was willing to “count…

Why is it that every time I order food I hear something like: “Would you like that Super-Sized?” “Will that be small, medium or Large?”  “Lunch or dinner portion?”  “Do you want to add a side for just …?” or my favorite “Tall, Grande or Vente?” Sometimes the most difficult decision in ordering food is choosing the size you want…

The leadership conference in Sydney, Australia, was truly an international student leadership event with leaders representing over 10 nationalities. Their churches are reaching students from numerous ethnic backgrounds with one church alone ministering to 45 people groups of students. I was challenged to see that their student ministries were multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-lingual, but they were drawn together by a…
