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Tag Archives Student Leadership

Imagine a world where…                           …everybody wins                           …nobody loses                           …there are no deadlines                           …you don’t fail…you just don’t finish Perhaps you have seen the commercial of the little league ball players sitting in the dugout reminding each other of the reward awaiting them when they lose the game. There are a plethora of articles referring to Millennials…

I have a burden and passion for Student ministry around the world. I am privileged in my travels to connect with men and women who share that passion. Today was one of those days but it was especially rewarding because it was here in Alabama, my home state. Student ministry in Alabama is alive and well and especially in the…

This is the third and final post in the Four Erroneous Youth Ministry Philosophies series.  Sections three and four represent ministry approaches based on program and personality.  Youth ministries need a program as well as leadership with personality; however, both function best when founded on Biblical principles. Section Three: “All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go – Buttoned Up and…

“I’ve tried everything!” Remember those words from Part 1? If not refer back to my post on January 12. I have divided the philosophical approaches into four sections determined by their predominant thrust. In Part 2 we will examine the first two sections and will conclude next Tuesday with Part 3, so stay with me. Keep in mind that some…

So you've read The Greenhouse Project. Maybe you even loaned it out to a friend (why not be a real friend, and buy them a copy...) Perhaps you find yourself wondering how you are going to transfer the truths from these sixteen chapters to your student leadership. Let's be honest: It's a big book. The Greenhouse Project has sixteen different…
